Where can I find the Air Native N7 shoe?

The Nike Air Native N7 is a performance shoe built to meet the specific foot shape and width needs of Native Americans. Profits from the Nike Air Native N7 shoe go to support the N7 Fund.

The Air Native N7 was first offered on November 1, 2007 and is currently being limited to Native American Wellness Centers throughout the United States only. If you have already contacted your local Native American Wellness center and they do not have an account with Nike, please pass along that center's contact information to us. We will provide that information to our Native American business manager.

Native Seventh Generation philosophy states that “In every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decision on the next seven generations”. For more than 10 years Nike has worked closely with Native American communities to provide support through product innovations specific to the needs of Native Americans and by providing grants to support sport programs through the N7 Fund.

Nike N7 shoes with the word Native in the title are designed to specialized fit needs of the Native American foot. In November 2009, Nike launched the N7 Collection, a selection of footwear for the general public. All profits from the N7 Collection go to support the N7 Fund.

Par nikemaxmall le mardi 12 avril 2011


#1 Par ~Air Jordan 1 le 09.05.2011 à 09:20 top
Life is but the dream.

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